Children from Syria. 

The best investment you’ll ever make.

Wes Enzinna reporting for the New York Times observed: 

“A whole lost segment of Syria’s youth 

has been forced to become either refugees or warriors.” 

People just like you are changing that.

Gives them a choice.

A sample return on $100:

    Approximately 2,000 meals

    Blankets for 7 families

    Heating for 3 family‑sized tents

    25 pairs of shoes

    School expenses for 2 months

Long-term benefit:


Compare your tax investment in same region: 

Hellfire missile $70,000 each

Reaper drone $20,000,000

Buy a $100 Share in Kurdish Futures 

Immediate returns!

Put a smile on a girl’s face today! 

It’s contagious.

Request access to video about Syrian refugee outreach:

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